Wednesday 23 November 2016

Are you aware of the rules while playing the game of communication? If not, then it is time to think it over.

Playing your cards right? Are you aware of the rules while playing the game of communication? If not, then it is time to think it over. Even if you and your partner share the same native language, isn’t it strange that you are not always fully understood? Here is an example of how a simple conversation can turn into a conflicting one! Wife: “How I wish you come home early from work today!” She means: “I feel lonely and neglected and would love to spend some uninterrupted time together.” He comprehends: “She does not trust me / I am disappointing her. Is she trying to control me?” The resultant feelings: Hurt, defensiveness, guilt, negativity. Communication blunders when committed create negative impressions which in turn can fuel conflict escalations in existing relationships. This can cause significant damage to both your personal and professional life preventing you from making rational decisions, as and when required. As a player in the card game, where the outcome depends on the selection of your cards, in the game of communication, it is your choice to respond that makes you a winner or loser! Working with others is a daily requirement, but it is not always easy. By understanding your preferred communication style and the preferences of those you are working with, you will achieve better results. Communicating effectively with people demands that you be flexible and adaptable and recognize the importance and the contributions of other people in your life. Each person brings in his/her own emotions and the environmental triggers work differently with different people. Prudent communicators therefore attempt to consider their recipients and tailor their communication appropriately. So, are you ready to play your cards, right? Discover your communication style and put it forward with the right behaviour pattern with the right people at the right time. This one day program will equip you with the tools to communicate appropriately and effectively in just about every situation! For more information call at +91 9972301145 or Email to:

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