Friday 3 February 2017

Oscar Murphy Life Strategists Pvt Ltd...

OMi is a Behavioural Consulting organization that specializes in a wide range of MindSet Change Training Interventions, Management, Leadership, Team & Organisational Development sessions, Strategic Planning & Facilitation Workshops, Student/Corporate Coaching, Counselling, Psychometric Assessment/Interpretation seminars and Individual Reflection Exercise sessions for an audience ranging from, Managers to inductees, CEO's to Executives, Deans to teachers, students and the like.

Apart from training, OMi has also produced a number of videos on varied topics like career, relationships, behavioral training, life strategy, organizational growth, leadership development etc. These videos are created to provide some valuable insights to gain better perspectives in one's life. 

As time permits, request you to go through the link and subscribe to our page given below:

Hope you find them interesting and informative.

For more informantion, please send your queries to Alternatively, you can contact Ms. Salma  on 9972301145. 

Fitness need not be expensive - simple exercises to keep fit.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Managing Relationship Conflicts

Managing Relationship Conflicts

Four years ago Dan sustained a devastating personal injury with permanent impairments. He had been married to Sheila for several years before his accident and both he and his wife enjoyed their relationship and the joy that it brought them. Since his injury however, Dan had become increasingly demanding of Shiela often expressing anger and dissatisfaction with the care that she provided to him and how she cleaned their home.

Shiela, on the other hand, was often critical and demeaning to her husband. They could both be mean and hurtful in their attacks on each other. As a result of their frustration, Dan and Sheila often went several days without speaking and at other times, small issues would easily blow up into major disagreements. Both were becoming increasingly distant from each other and questioned the future of their marriage. (Case Study by: Stanley Ducharme, Ph.D.)

This short case report is an example of how easily a relationship can be placed in jeopardy. When conflict is mismanaged, it can cause great harm to a relationship, in this case, it can also end up in a separation or even divorce. Unfortunately, both of them didn’t put any effort in resolving the differences between them, thereby not attempting to save their relationship.

Likewise, conflicts can emerge anywhere involving people. Conflict arises from differences, both large and small. Everyone needs to feel understood, nurtured, and supported, but the ways in which these needs are met vary widely. Differing needs for feeling comfortable and safe create some of the most severe challenges in our personal and professional relationships.

Think about the conflicting need for safety and continuity versus the need to explore and take risks. You frequently see this conflict between toddlers and their parents. The child’s need is to explore, so the street or the cliff meets a need. But the parents’ need is to protect the child’s safety, so limiting exploration becomes a bone of contention between them.

This conflict can grow between the child and the parent, giving rise to serious relationship issues between the two.

In workplace conflicts, differing needs are often at the heart of bitter disputes, sometimes resulting in broken deals, fewer profits and lost jobs.

When you can recognize the legitimacy of conflicting needs at workplace and become willing to examine them in an environment of compassionate understanding, it opens pathways to creative problem solving, team building, and improved relationships.

Conflicts can be productive, creating deeper understanding, closeness and respect, or they can be destructive, causing resentment, hostility and divorce. How the conflicts get resolved, not how many occur, is the critical factor in determining whether a relationship will be healthy or unhealthy, mutually satisfying or unsatisfying, friendly or unfriendly, deep or shallow, intimate or cold.

Therefore, the skill of conflict resolution becomes very important to maintain healthy and long lasting relationship. To do so, identifying your personality, innate potentials, strengths & areas of improvement and also of others is pivotal.

You have the advantage today, uncovering your true strengths, talents and powers within, with the help of widely used Psychometric tools and techniques. These advances in the field of Psychology empowers you and your ability to learn to analyse human behaviour. Different Psychometric assessments enables you to understand other’s behaviours/personality and to analyse the same, thereby equipping you to manage conflicting situations in different relationships effectively
You must be wondering how?

Make a choice, for a better change.

Make a decision to invest your time to learn more about your hidden strengths and competency.

All you need to do is to choose a path, a path that helps you assess yourself, understand your inner strengths, reflect and plan your change for the better, check for the right steps to get your success by effectively dealing with conflicts in different relationships and finally get ready to relaunch your life, career or relationships for a brighter tomorrow.
Feel free to visit or Email or
call +91 99723 01142 to know more.

Monday 23 January 2017

Planning a Team Building activity? Read this before you begin.

In the journey towards team building excellence it is important to recognise the impact that human personality and psychology have on team health and group trust.
Lifelong influences of one’s heredity, coupled with the shaping of one’s attitude by the environment can cause people to build walls around themselves. These walls are sometimes so hardened that even the most well thought out team building activity is not able to shake and brake through.
What you then have is a tricky situation where unpleasant behaviours manifest but the real reason is not understood by people around. This situation not only undermines team building efforts, it polarizes the group further.
The science of sensitization
Sensitization of participants to their own colleagues will justify the personal effort required to accept each other for what they are and what they bring to the table. This will also give the power and put the onus of developing esprit de corps required for high functioning teams, into the hands of the team members themselves and not just on the team lead.
Personality profiling through psychometrics is an exercise whose benefits far outweigh the minimal effort required to administer it. By taking simple assessments, participants are involved in a scientific exploration of each other’s innate choice of expression, emotions and mindsets.
When these traits show themselves as reactions, responses, and other behaviours during a team building activity, individuals begin to realise the kind of specific personal effort required to build bridges that last.
One could go so far as to credit this approach with making psychologists and personal coaches out of every team member. Talk about distribution of power!
How does one bring a psychometric approach to team building
A team building facilitator, should be able to administer and interpret psychometric assessments accurately and independently, adding a formidable arm to your capabilities.
You can choose from a wide range of assessments that you can apply, to capture crucial information on behavioural patterns, communication styles and habits, leadership competency mapping as well as personality profiling.
The real impact, however, comes from being able to interpret the results of the tests to align with the need of the client. This takes skill and practice but can be learnt quickly with the proper guidance.
MAPP battery of psychometric assessments and certification
MAPP is battery of psychometric assessments with the scope to enrich any team building exercise. It is a proven weapon in the hands of facilitators who want to bring in the dimension of true people understanding, in a relaxed, fun environment.
Learn how you can use MAPP to your advantage.
For corporate/individual workshops and certification drop an email to or call us on +91 9972301145

Monday 16 January 2017

Don’t Take your Talent for Granted. Tap Your Talent to Map Your Career

You have the talent, the capability, the knowledge, the skill and the attitude for excelling in certain aspects of life and career. Your secret to success is to learn to tap into it and transform your career by mapping what is right for you. You are unique, special, different and intelligent and you are the right person for the right job. But your task is to determine what is the right job or career that provides job satisfaction, happiness and career growth.

It is time now for you to seize opportunities using your hidden strengths and capabilities. Your awareness of your unknown weaknesses, blind-spots and limitations are keys to eliminating possible threats to your success. But it is your firm belief in your strengths and your ability to work on your capabilities that will change the game in your favour. You need to believe in your talent and competence to open up opportunities like never before. This win within is what makes you click and succeed since it stems from basic belief of continuous improvement.

Harness your strengths to generate power and create opportunity of abundance, peace, progress and prosperity for your life, family, your career & company.

Tapping your talent by scientific mapping removes dependency on market conditions and dynamics of the ever-changing economy. It is about your inherent strengths, powers, competencies, intelligence, likes, preferences and feelings of the individual based on their genetics and upbringing.

Tapping your talent by scientifically mapping it is based on the science of psychology of human behaviour. It is based on the time tested principle that ‘to succeed in one’s career, one has to identify and work on one’s strengths and not on weaknesses’. ‘One has to get the best out of their powers and not be stuck with problems’.

Tapping your talent by scientific mapping is much more than career planning. It makes use of psychometric assessments to help the individual to get to know one’s strengths and weaknesses based on heredity and environmental influences in one’s life. It provides total clarity to the individual of one’s KASH – Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills & Habits.

To MAPP your Career please send a mail stating your job challenges with your contact details to and get expert recommendations as to how you should strategize your life and career.

If you are a recruiter, career counselor, corporate trainer, executive coach, parent, teacher, manager or consultant, you have the option to get certified to administer scientific career mapping tools yourself - that measure attitudes, personality and performance potentials of your client.

Please feel free to ask for the details of the MAPP certification process with lifelong benefits.
Send an email to or call 91 9972301145. We take pride in being able to help and assist in your quest for the right career and professional purpose.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

“Playing your cards right?”

In a game of cards, winning depends on what card I play and when – the right card at the right time.

Behavioural Communication and Relationships work in much the same way.

They are made, maintained or destroyed by the things I say. But I never know which one of three it’s going to be until the words leave my lips, and then it’s too late.

Talking to my spouse, my business partners, my colleagues, my boss, my kids, my parents, My In-laws becomes MY PAIN, if I don’t know how to say the right things, or most of the time, just say things right.

We’re all guilty of forming and holding onto die hard, relationship poisoning habits while communicating – but we just don’t realise it.

“Playing your cards right?”

OMi invites you to be a part of a demystification - of all things said, meant, perceived and lost, when we communicate.

“Playing your cards right?”  is focused 1 day intervention facilitated by OMi, to help you realize truths about your style of communication, its advantages, consequences and the right direction to work towards.

Dates and Venue

“Playing your cards right?”  is scheduled for
17th December, 2016 in Delhi and

Why you should attend:

Every person is unique and is looking to influence unique people, therefore first identifying the unique habit that’s holding you back is essential to

• Develop more rewarding and effective styles of interaction.

• Add value to your relationships.

• Form a personal brand that people are drawn to and influenced by.

The Intervention will cover:

• Assessing your individual Communication Pattern.

• Interpreting your score in the context of your unique life situation.

• Comparative analysis of your scores with others from the participant group, and its implications during any interaction.

• Assessing your individual Behavioural Pattern.

• Developing foundational strategies that will help you become more effective in dealing with people with different communication styles and habits.

To register and for more information drop a message to:

Dharmendra Pandey: +91-8800005100/

Oscar Murphy Life Strategists | India & Singapore

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Your Role Models, Your Performance

What You Must Know About Personality

Oscar Murphy Life Strategists (OMi) is facilitating a Certification in Behavioural Training Design workshop and we invite you to be a part it.

As one from the training fraternity, this might be of interest to you.

In behavioural training if content is king, and context is queen, the key to the kingdom is knowing how to make them work together. In other words, designing the grand plan that will facilitate change in individuals, groups and organizations to improve their effectiveness.

Oscar Murphy Life Strategists (OMi) is facilitating a Certification in Behavioural Training Design workshop and we invite you to be a part it.

 The 3-day program will cover:

 1) Identifying purpose - based on the needs, information acquisition and skill development

 2) Understanding Learning Styles & Practical Guidance on Training Cycle

 3) Conducting a Performance analysis

 4) Developing course material

 5) Developing lesson plans

 The program is scheduled for the 8th, 9th and 10th of December, 2016 in Bangalore.

 Who should attend?

 1) Professionals who want to apply a proven blended learning approach and optimize the effectiveness of their training programs.

 2) Trainers and HR personnel who oversee training & development and those who are required to design and develop training materials and conduct training programs.

 3) You could also nominate key people from your organization for this comprehensive training intervention which is highly interactive and experiential.

 Oscar Murphy Life Strategists (OMi) is a behavioral training organization that specializes in combining the know-how of organizational development, the sensitivity of behavioural training with science of psychometrics, to a bring a unique value to people development. Please feel free to revert for more information.

 Thank you & Warm regards,
 Dileep: +91-9972301145
 Oscar Murphy Life Strategists | India & Singapore

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Are you aware of the rules while playing the game of communication? If not, then it is time to think it over.

Playing your cards right? Are you aware of the rules while playing the game of communication? If not, then it is time to think it over. Even if you and your partner share the same native language, isn’t it strange that you are not always fully understood? Here is an example of how a simple conversation can turn into a conflicting one! Wife: “How I wish you come home early from work today!” She means: “I feel lonely and neglected and would love to spend some uninterrupted time together.” He comprehends: “She does not trust me / I am disappointing her. Is she trying to control me?” The resultant feelings: Hurt, defensiveness, guilt, negativity. Communication blunders when committed create negative impressions which in turn can fuel conflict escalations in existing relationships. This can cause significant damage to both your personal and professional life preventing you from making rational decisions, as and when required. As a player in the card game, where the outcome depends on the selection of your cards, in the game of communication, it is your choice to respond that makes you a winner or loser! Working with others is a daily requirement, but it is not always easy. By understanding your preferred communication style and the preferences of those you are working with, you will achieve better results. Communicating effectively with people demands that you be flexible and adaptable and recognize the importance and the contributions of other people in your life. Each person brings in his/her own emotions and the environmental triggers work differently with different people. Prudent communicators therefore attempt to consider their recipients and tailor their communication appropriately. So, are you ready to play your cards, right? Discover your communication style and put it forward with the right behaviour pattern with the right people at the right time. This one day program will equip you with the tools to communicate appropriately and effectively in just about every situation! For more information call at +91 9972301145 or Email to:

Thursday 17 November 2016

DISKS – Design, Improve, Simplify Knowledge & Skills in your Training

Learn to Design Your Training, the Right way, Right now DISKS – Design, Improve, Simplify Knowledge & Skills in your Training ‘Learn to train and train to learn’ they say and hence Training is about Learning DISKS and putting your training on a firm scientific foundation. Design your training to address people’s behaviour. Improve your training with BAT design (Behaviour, Attitude & Thinking) Simplify your training by addressing mindsets and habits Knowledge transfer from workshop to workplace Skills learning to enhance people’s productivity & performance Learning to train cannot be effective if you are not designing to train efficiently. Training design is today an essential attribute for every trainer worth his salt. Training Design is a scientific process that one can learn and master systematically. Gone are the days of trainer centred workshops. Today people demand well researched and scientifically designed programs to enhance effectiveness. Can you be left behind in your race to be top trainer? If you wish to be the most sought after trainer in the market, then the best you can do is to invest your time and energy in learning the behaviour basics to gain a strong design foundation. Behavioural indicators are observed by people all around and are true reflections of one’s attitude and Thinking process. Learning and development is all about making a change happen within the people. You can’t change people but you can certainly influence the change process from within. Learn to influence people from the very beginning, right at the design stage itself and you will see that vital difference in your training. Make a difference in your training today. Help them make a difference in their performance and progress. Gain that immense job satisfaction as a passionate trainer. Learn to design training, the right way, right now. Register quickly to make the right start in your training to be right on top of all types training situations. Your sense of urgency to learn from the international master trainers will pave the way for you to grow as a gem amongst jewels. Write that email to to know more about the certification in training design. Or better still call 91 80 41161534 / 35 or 91 9972301145 or 91 9972302144 and speak to Salma or Suma BLOCK YOUR DATES 08 TO 10 DECEMBER 2016

Easy Ways Learn, to Score More

Monday 14 November 2016

What makes our children smarter?

There was a boy named Richard. He loved to tinker with mechanical devices. As a 6-year-old, he took apart an alarm clock. At 9, he helped his dad fix the lawn mower. In high school, he spent hours tearing apart and rebuilding stereo equipment. Now, as a young adult, he is a sound technician for a professional theatre company. Richard's parents encouraged his interests at an early age, which helped him become a successful adult. However, this does not mean that he was excellent in all his subjects. In fact, he had trouble with math in school. But his parents identified his strengths, recognised the way he would learn better and assisted him to learn in his learning style, which helped him understand and grasp concepts faster. So, what can we do to make our kids smarter? There is a strong evidence which proves that apart from genetic factors, parents’ involvement with children makes them smarter. Although genetics plays a major role in influencing intelligence & cognitive development, advance research reveals that children who are nurtured in the most ideal environments tend to display superior levels of intelligence. How to create an ideal environment that promotes your children’s intellectual growth? Be it through words, numbers, music, pictures, athletic or "hands-on" abilities, children display intelligence in different ways. Therefore, as parents it is worthwhile to identify your children’s innate skills, potentials, unique intelligences and guide them to build on the same. Understanding the learning styles or preferences of your children – be it visual, auditory or kinaesthetic enables them to learn and remember better and score greater grades. As an anonymous observer once said: "All children are gifted, some just open their packages later than others." You, as a parent play a crucial role in kindling the latent talents or developing current by creating a conducive and experiential environment for children at home. How can you scientifically identify your child’s unique intelligences and his/her learning styles/preferences? Psychometric assessments is the answer. Assessments combined with experiential activities help you guide your children to become autonomous learners, and look at things from different perspectives thereby making them broad minded and open new avenues for learning. To know more Feel free to visit or Email or call +91 99723 01142.

Thursday 10 November 2016

LeaderSHIP– Stimulate Hope Inspire Performance 20

LeaderSHIP– Stimulate Hope Inspire Performance 20 This age-old story is potent enough to spur positive thinking and cast away negativity from your mind. Many years ago, a British shoe manufacturer sent two of his employees - a Sales Manager and Assistant Sales Manager to Africa to investigate and report back on business potential. The Assistant Sales manager reported back, "There is no potential here - nobody wears shoes." The Sales Manager reported back, "There is a massive potential here - nobody wears shoes." This simple short story illustrates that while the first leader views the situation full of problems and disadvantages, the second leader sees plenty of opportunities and benefits for the business to flourish. One situation; two stories - Interpretation is everything! As leaders heading a group of team members, it is vital to see things in a positive manner especially during critical times so that positivity can be instilled in others you lead. Stimulating hope within self, motivates and inspires one’s performance. The global business landscape is shifting. To navigate successfully through this competitive dynamics, you need to have two imperatives - an updated report of your crucial competency and leadership style. Powered by scientific psychometric tools, Leader-SHIP 20, a one day program, will help you determine where you stand in terms of 20 crucial leadership competency and how this impacts your position in the competitive market. It will guide you in forging a contemporary and effective leadership style that in turn drives profitability, productivity and performance. For more information call at +91 9972301145 or Email to:

Monday 7 November 2016

We Are Family :) - Buhler Asia Leadership Seminar, Shanghai, China - Fac...

International Certification in Behavioral Training Facilitation

Get Certified in one or more of 12 Psychometric Gems

FITS Personality Style Assessment


Know Your 4C Factors of Inner Motivation

MAPP Your Competence

Communicating, Connecting, Creating Relationships

Take the Right step to Learning & Intelligence

Your Organisation Development, Change & Business Transformation

Your Organisation Development Pathway

CHOICE - Create, Holistic, Opportunities, Innovation, Change & Excellence

Are You Lost in the Swamp of confusions or Self doubt?